Jor Jazzar's Prophylactic Discourses

This web log has been written for your protection. It endeavors to be a fun and imaginative journey in words (inwards?) cutting through the rest of that baloney they try to feed you all the time. If used properly, you just might forget about your worries and escape for a little while to a nether-world of make believe. I hope to see you there.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Elmo's Love

From clamor to stupor
in no time flat.
Because Elmo loves you.

Two year-olds transfixed
By soothing sanguine cooing
Because Elmo loves you.

Elmo loves you redly,
As redly as the scarlet light
Of translucent womb
Tethered to the gurgly-high pitch
Of mother tongue in amnion.

Before you were born,
Elmo loved you.

Lip-synch, precious wide eyes,
To your rock-a-bye babe
To your own sweet mother,
But, hush--did you hear?
Elmo loves you.

Gestate further,
Premature joey.
Go back in.
Return for a while
To your bean chair home.

So long as Elmo loves you,
Suckle with consanguinity the boob-tube.

Mr. Rogers abides likewise, near your mom,
In a red cardigan.

Breast-feed in the land of make-believe
and imagine, child,
The red flame
From within your mother's belly.

And when grown,
Or imagined grown,
For want of burning bush
Do not despair.

A cardinal in the thicket,
A tanager on the bough,

And back to your mother, repair.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Memetically Speaking

I've been summoned by my friend, Mike, to complete a "meme", which is, to be honest, an internet thing-a-ma-bob I'm fairly unfamiliar with, though the general idea of memes and memetics I'm at least acquainted with. But I'm going to do my best not to let him or my other compatriots down. So here it goes...

The best movie sequel in SF/Fantasy is: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

The best “bad” movie in SF/Fantasy is: Planet of the Apes (1968).

The best flavor filling in PopTarts is: brown sugar cinnamon

The best remake in SF/Fantasy is: Planet of the Apes (2001).

The best character in Sesame Street is: Super Grover.

So, that's it. I hope I didn't screw it up or cheat in any way. I guess I'm supposed to pass this on by 'tagging' someone so that my 'idears' might propagate. And I suppose the more people I tag, the more likely that one of my idears might succeed in propagating.

So, I tag the entire internets--WARNING: If you have a slow connection this link may take a long time to load!!

Brownian Motion

The jittery existence of
Stimulated particulates
On jagged paths of random-walk

Would tell the world
Of happenstance
And of the Branch that Adam (Atom) stalked;

Would hold the days accountable
By the hours,
The hours by the minutes,
The diminution nested
Solemnly in itself.

The invagination of existence,
So pregnant with chance,

The invaginated, jittery-being
Would hum the white-noise in my ear;

Would counteract its own fact
So that patterns might appear--

As if to serenade itself
With movements of cricket, wood thrush, and bullfrog--

But not being filled on that scale--
Comes the inevitable Mozart.

The crazy twitch in my eye is a homecoming
of sorts--atomic self-awareness

The motion pops on the celestial frying pan.
Here we discern a world,
There, a super nova.
And yet there, the outlines of a black hole,
A singularity,
A nick in the glass of the ethereal continuum
Where the accretion folds in on itself
And the particulates do a new type of jitter-dance.
But the jazz is the same.
It finds itself again in the improvised scaffold.

And the bubbles babble (Babel) up that tower.
They effervesce and then coalesce;
They ascend, they aspire to meaning, to totality.

Then that dragon, too, will swallow its own tail.