Jor Jazzar's Prophylactic Discourses

This web log has been written for your protection. It endeavors to be a fun and imaginative journey in words (inwards?) cutting through the rest of that baloney they try to feed you all the time. If used properly, you just might forget about your worries and escape for a little while to a nether-world of make believe. I hope to see you there.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Conscience Compels Me To Share This...

Hey Guys and Gals,

What was that old saying? 'That character is who you are when no one is watching', or something to that affect...?
...In the "Information Age" it is truly "not so much what you say, but how you say it"...
...As you can see, the powerful elite on all sides of any national "debate" care little about actual, honest debate, only about the appearances of a debate. Democrat and Republican parties alike have been undermining democratic institutions for some time now--both in front of the camera and offscreen:

If you want a news source that does not hold its viewers and listeners in the same sort of contempt that corporate media does, try this viewer-supported daily show, "The War & Peace Report":

Most of us want basic healthcare for our families, and basic education and nutrition for our children. We don't want our tax dollars spent bombing innocent civilians and ruining whole societies in order to enforce the economic policies of powerful elites in Western countries and their ruthless accomplices across the globe.

Get informed. Decide for yourself:

Get involved. Or, if it suits you, refuse participation when necessary. Don't be manipulated by the periodic conjuring of boogymen, witches, and evil-doers (or immigrants, Communists, Drug Warlords, and terrorists) by men and women who strike heroic poses in front of the camera but who live behind gated communities and whose children do not have to suffer the consequences of their narrow-minded, short-sighted policies.

There is no authority beyond what you grant. Get involved by getting out of line. It is a matter of class when you've raised your hand patiently and have not been called upon that you raise your voice. Find common ground with those around you and work toward common goals. Your daily actions are defiant elections that are tallied--without fail and without fraud--by time itself.

Take Care,


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