Jor Jazzar's Prophylactic Discourses

This web log has been written for your protection. It endeavors to be a fun and imaginative journey in words (inwards?) cutting through the rest of that baloney they try to feed you all the time. If used properly, you just might forget about your worries and escape for a little while to a nether-world of make believe. I hope to see you there.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Don't you remember the feel of your little feet on the wet cement around the pool? Don't you remember those warm, wet puddles near the pavement joints?

I can still feel the burning pang of water up my nose, and the hot, tacky feel of the brown paint from the concession stand's counter on my arms.

We looked like candy when we emerged from the water, and jumped back in before a single drop could differentiate itself from the rest, seeing if our waves could combine to spill over the wall.

Our bikes got stolen. And we threw rocks at the car windows in the junk yard. The dust in our lives was palpable. And so was the glory.

© 2005 George Czar

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Wind at My Back

"Full stride" some call it. Others call it "the top of one's game". I prefer "being in one's element". At the ripening age of 27, I can now feel the sweet nectar coursing through my veins. Gone are the bitter memories of yore and the sour notes that befell an amateur voice. The chords--now attuned--will not waver for yet another score perhaps. Bellowing harminous, waxing ebullient, until gleaming like a bright shiny tuba in a triumphant marching band--heretofore, a life, in slavish abidance to a bedeviled, woe-stricken mind, steps out from the inferno of black flames into the irridescent, shimmering music of novel gaiety. Come one, come all. It's a three-ringed affair. What's about to happen next will likely blow your mind.

Deep in the impenetrable forest of "George's Would's" there was--and is--indeed, a 'did'. Before you know it there will be an action figure replete with bendable limbs, nifty little nerd tools, and cardboard packaging. The voyage of discovery has resumed (after a brief 9-year interlude by my sponsor [the hairy, little, decrepid, snaggle-toothed, neurotic monster hiding in the corner]). No, really, everything's okay. I'm not going to be flipping pancakes on the turnpike tomorrow.

But I might be fabricating monstrous circuitry, depraved cyborgs of disreputable reknown, tomorrow, as I've been steadily learning and tinkering (once again) with eee-lectronics. Or you might find me down by the river, soaking up the natural wonders of our watery backyard as I once was wont to do in my more tender years, meditating on the likes of Thoreau and Emerson. Or you may pass me on my cyclopod, chiseling myself to a bygone form, traveling to and fro. And if you're lucky, I just may serve you up one of my many wonderful culinary artworks I've been simmering all the while just on the periphery of life.

Alas, brave new things are on the horizon. The stirring wind beckons at my back. And the bags under my eyes are filled with faerie dust.

© 2005 George Czar