One Hundred Years Ago, Here
Sitting on our side balcony--drunk and things--I couldn't help but wonder, what did this look like one hundred years ago. I tossed it around in my drunken state, until I was fairly fixed upon it--'nough to come in here and write about it.
So, based on what little I know about the time period--and the even less I know about this time period--I shall construct a musing or two.
Out the side door, on the second floor, onto our balcony (me and my roommate being "business" partners--if 'n' ya catch my drift {that's southern melodrama tossed into some northern exposure, hopin' you don't mind [wait a second, don't be misinterpretatin' what I just said 'bout bein' 'business' partners an' all (how else could two fellas co-habitate back then?)]}) we spied in the southwestern direction a portion o' the Susquehanna Valley in its low and bent sweep. It was easy to see with the small town between us and it--the greater expanse of the town being tilled on all sides with farms and neighboring towns.
I don't know, Man. I just see these things. **Raspberry**
© 2005 George Czar
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