Jor Jazzar's Prophylactic Discourses

This web log has been written for your protection. It endeavors to be a fun and imaginative journey in words (inwards?) cutting through the rest of that baloney they try to feed you all the time. If used properly, you just might forget about your worries and escape for a little while to a nether-world of make believe. I hope to see you there.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Alarm Clock Radio

Alarm clock radio,
You shake me from my silent slumber
With sleepy-time sonic thunder.

Your doleful shrieks
And your digital display
Count not the weeks,
But each monotonous day.

Twenty-four hours from a.m. to p.m.
You ought to be screaming carpe diem.
At an hour of my choosing, you steal my rest
Like some sick, self-mutilating jest.

I’m a glutton for stress.
For your snooze button I press.
I can’t contest your punctuality,
But for nine minutes, I can delay reality

And recapture the cornucopia of images
Lost in my head
While I revisit a utopia of visages
In the land of the dead.

© 1997 George Czar


At 7:09 AM, Blogger anne said...

Finally! A poem written for me!

Ok, so it probably wasn't but really, it could have been.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blog.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Jor Jazzar said...

Thanks for the comments, Anne. And, yes, it was written for you....and for all the others like us who need just nine more minutes of sleep, again!


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