Fanciful Speculations on the Communistic Nature of Evolution's Natural Selection Based on Division of Labor within Neolithic Culture
Like many manly men, I find myself with a superfluity of hair where there once was none--namely, on the body--and a dearth where once there was plenty--namely, on the scalp. And then, the thought occurred to me: maybe this genetic predisposition was nature's way of equalizing the division of labor amongst groomers in early man. If a man came about genetically that grew both a lot of scalp hair and a lot of body hair, then, maybe his social group refused to groom him on the grounds that it would result in an unfair division of labor. Once ostracized from the group, he--and his genes--stood little chance of perpetuating themselves; and, outside of the occassional mutation, died out. So then, we are left with abundant/adequate scalp hair and little/no body hair types or little/no scalp hair and abundant/adequate body hair types. And this keeps the division of labor amongst groomers in early man harmonious. Just kidding. Sort of.
© 2005 George Czar
And I mean that in the best way possible.
You are a hoot, Mr. Jazzar!
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