Jor Jazzar's Prophylactic Discourses

This web log has been written for your protection. It endeavors to be a fun and imaginative journey in words (inwards?) cutting through the rest of that baloney they try to feed you all the time. If used properly, you just might forget about your worries and escape for a little while to a nether-world of make believe. I hope to see you there.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Idea Monger and His Alphabet Soup

I was sitting around wondering what to write. Then, I had an idea. Why not have a bowl of alphabet soup? What better way to conjure up the elusive muse from within my own noodle than to have a hearty helping of those alpha-numeric noodles, steeped in a steamy broth of salty herbs? Ah-ha. The random combinatorial action of the swirling spoon making whirling words from eddies. Eddy-fied spaghettis. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'm going to buy some alphabet noodles and create The Soup That Wrote a Million Verses.

On a separate, but related note, I wonder if the Chinese have pictograph soup. Wouldn't that be something?

© 2005 George Czar


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